Boiled Head

“Because in some cases, ‘done’ is better than ‘perfect’.”

The name under which I recorded some of my first music while still a schoolboy, later revived to release some material that, had I waited another 2 years, would have probably been released under my real name. Though I don’t recall thinking this at the time, the name may well be a reference to the 2001 Steve Coogan comedy ‘The Parole Officer’.


Recorded 2015-2016, released 2018
Download link available shortly

“All tracks written… on a dead computer”

  1. Overtune
  2. Brick By Brick
  3. Monday Morning Acid (The Tail Job version)
  4. Get Lost And Don’t Come Back
  5. Falling In Mutual Weirdness (on New Years Day)
  6. Please Release Me, Let Me Go
  7. Overtune (reprise)
  8. Monday Morning Acid (33 ⅓ version) (bonus)
  9. Overtune (alt version) (bonus)

Some electronic music that sat lingering for a long time before, in a mad 3-day binge around the start of 2018, being finished and released digitally

Track 3 was featured in the 2015 Australian action-comedy film ‘The Tail Job’, directed by Bryan Moses and Daniel James Millar

‘Overtune’ would later be adapted into ‘Slava Domnului’ on the album ‘Persons Underground’